世界衛生組織(WHO)訂定每年9月17日為世界病人安全日(Patient Safety Day),今(2022)年主題為「無害用藥(Medication Without Harm !)」,呼籲各界重視並提升用藥安全。
WHO同時呼籲全球於世界病安日當日,以「橙色」點亮標誌性的建築物及地標,代表世界各國為全民健康覆蓋(Universal Health Coverage)的努力。臺灣今年以真理大學牛津學堂(Oxford College),作為「橙色標誌性地標」。1882年由馬偕博士創立的牛津學堂為台灣現代西方醫學教育的搖籃地,今日為政府指定之二級古蹟,是臺灣近代史上的重要建築,也呼應世界病人安全日延續推動的重要意義。
醫策會秉持促進人民健康福祉的使命,自2004年起,每年舉辦「病人安全週」(Patient Safety Week)活動,今年病人安全週活動已陸續有212家醫療機構響應;此外,今年度醫策會更辦理2022世界病人安全日系列論壇,主題包含「用藥安全」、「孕產兒安全」、「手術安全」及「創新醫學教育」,與醫界共同響應世界病安日。

The World Healthcare Organization (WHO) marked the 17th of September of each year as World Patient Safety Day. The theme for 2022 is “Medication Safety” with the slogan “Medication without Harm” and calls on all sectors to act on enhancing safe medication use.
To create patient safety awareness, WHO also encourages lighting up iconic buildings and landmarks around the world in orange color on World Patient Safety Day to represent the world's efforts for Universal Health Coverage.
This year, Oxford College at Aletheia University was selected as the "Orange Landmark” in Taiwan. Established in 1882 by Dr. George L. Mackay, Oxford College is the cradle of Taiwan's modern Western medical education, now a government-designated Grade II monument, echoing the importance of continuity in promoting World Patient Safety Day.
Since 2004, the Joint Commission of Taiwan has been organizing Patient Safety Week every year with the mission of enhancing population health and well-being. A total of 212 healthcare organizations are joining to celebrate Patient Safety Day this year. In addition, JCT is organizing a series of online webinars to support and promote Patient Safety covering a range of topics including "Medication Safety" "Maternal and Newborn Safety" "Surgical Safety" and "Innovative Medical Education".